Dan Sneed - Teen Challenge & Foursquare

Loren believed that the Great Commission — to go to every nation, tribe, community, to every person with the message of Jesus was for every believer, not just a specially-trained clergy class or individuals with special gifting. Just prior to his 21st birthday, while he was looking at a world map on the wall, this vision suddenly seemed to come alive. As he tells the story, he saw wave after wave crashing on the shore of every continent then receding before another wave came, until the entire earth was covered. In the waves, he saw the faces of young men and women taking the message of Jesus to every nation. That vision became the catalyst that birthed YWAM in the early 1960s.

Today YWAM has bases or outreach work in more than 2,000 locations spread out in almost 200 nations. In more than half a century, millions of men and women have attended discipleship training schools and even more have been involved in outreaches around the world. It has been said that YWAM has become the largest mission-sending organization in the world. And as one who has ministered around the globe, I do not doubt that.

Loren was an amazing man with a heart after God and a huge love for people. He was always far more interested in championing others than promoting himself — as I discovered firsthand. He was a man of great spiritual authority but moved with amazing humility and grace.

Loren was a man of integrity, always approachable with a great sense of humor. Anytime I was privileged to be with him or even hear him speak I felt valued and cared for and always challenged to become everything I could be.

Loren had a way of inspiring a can-do spirit. He knew nothing was too hard for God, and that is the way he lived his life. His answer to difficult situations was “expand your vision.” He believed in young men and women and invested his life in them. Even at 88 years of age, he embodied what youth with a mission is about. I guess in the light of eternity, 88 is just the beginning!

When I think of Loren I’m reminded of what God can do through one person who is totally yielded to Him. Loren’s passion was to humbly be that person and inspire others to join him. His message to a new generation is loud and clear: Let’s go for it! And as we respond in obedience, watch what God can do.

Source: The Christian Post


Tribute: Paul Worcester - NAMB


Tribute: Wayne Cordeiro - New Hope Christian College